Teaching, Learning, and Living
Children’s Book Week

Children’s Book Week

In 1919, Children’s book week became a national event. This week (May 2-8) is Children’s Book Week. How are you celebrating? I hope you are reading everyday and celebrating all of the wonderful children’s literature, authors, and illustrators past and present. Even if your city isn’t having a big event, have a special family celebration. Reading with your child is something that will benefit him/her for life.

My 23 month old already loves books and very carefully and thoughtfully makes selections from his shelf. I love to watch him squat down and reach for a book, look at the cover, and either take it out enthusiastically or replace it carefully for another time. Once a selection is made, he backs into my lap and we enjoy reading it one, two, or even three times before he chooses another. This can go on for a very long time. It is apparent to me that he already has an appreciation for his books and has decided favorites. I hope to be able to nurture in him a lifelong love of reading and a critical eye for good literature.

So celebrate Children’s Book Week this week and every week! Spend time reading with your child. Just twenty minutes a day can make all the difference in your child’s life…and you will never be sorry you spent that time cuddling with your child!

“A great nation is a reading nation.”. -Frederic Melcher
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